judging from; based on; since; from; even ~
something like; something called ~
Because, ..., it's only natural; no wonder; might as well ~
No... more
however, nevertheless
to have no choice but ~
swear an oath of honour
that's (truly) ...
originally, by nature, from the start
something, some kind of
apt to do, tend to do
as it is
Do not let...
can't afford to; unable to
when it comes to; in such a case; if that happens
It’s worth one’s efforts to do something
filled with; full of
isn't there; can’t we…?; can’t I…?
each time, whenever, either way
before; prior to ~
moreover; furthermore; and yet; what’s more ~
anyhow; anyway; regardless; in any case; whether or not ~
It’s best that, There’s nothing better than ~
can't help but; very; extremely ~
no wonder; as expected of; not ... for nothing; not ... with nothing to show for it