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Đối tác của Mazii

No ads
Unlimited number of image translations per day
Unlimited data sync
Advanced practice: Listening, reading, writing
Unlimited number of video lessons per day
Open all JLPT practice tests
Review history with flashcards
Learn vocabulary with a Widget on the home screen (Mobile)
Open and study specialized vocabulary packages (in the Vocabulary Learning tab in the handbook section)
Offline handwriting recognition
Frequently asked questions
1. After registering for Mazii Premium, what benefits will I have?
After upgrading Mazii dictionary, you will be able to completely remove ads and use all limited features on the app (Including new features updated in the future). For more detailed information, please contact Mazii's Consultant via Hotline: +84.377.738.144.
2. How to know Mazii's promotional programs?
Regarding the promotional program, you can follow Mazii's media channels such as Mazii Fanpage, App announcements
3. With one Mazii Premium account, can I use it for both the web and the app?
With only 1 account, you can synchronize on 3 devices: web, Android, iOS. Very convenient and cost-effective