Over , across, along...
Before N/Vる(occurs/happens)
Since V1then V2
Plural form
Let's (together), Shall I/we…?
I think... Probably.., I wonder if...
After having done something
In, at N
Throughout, all over, during the course of
While A, B
To become A(N)
Go to N, head to N , Often followed by verbs like 行く/いく, 来る/くる, 向かう/むかう…
Please do A (polite)
Just, Because of, as much as..
Polite, past form of verb
Please give me N
When/if V1,then V2
Already done
Plural form(polite)
Please don't do~
Indicates certainty or emphasis
Do things like V1,V2
Doing something temporarily.
Clause1, but/however Clause 2 , Used to show a contradiction or opposite
From A to B
Only , no more than , There's only
Please do ~
Requests confirmation from the listener
Describes a state after the action A takes place.